Your soft drink representative wants a meeting. Why?
What benefit is there for you?
If you don’t know the benefit, well, you’ll want to know before you say yes to the meeting.
Do you know what to ask for?
If you don’t know what to ask for, you NEED to know before you say yes to the meeting.
Do you have needs you want to be addressed? Most likely you can say “yes” to this one.
Great, prepare those items before you say yes to the meeting.
Remember, you are the customer. If you have something you need from your soft drink supplier, then have the meeting. But do it on your terms. Don’t let them run the meeting with a PowerPoint presentation that takes up an hour.
If you don’t need to meet, tell them an email will do.
If you are unsure of what to ask for in the meeting or how to address your needs in a way that gets their attention, we’re here to help.
Contact us today.